Our aim is to reduce the environmental impact food
waste has in our landfills. Sending your food waste to a compost facility is
one of the best contributions you can make to help preserve and protect our
city’s natural environment.
Welcome to Organic Waste Management
• Composting food waste is good for the environment.
• Your wasted food is no longer becoming landfill.
• The waste is composted and used to grow crops.
• A much cheaper disposal method than landfill.
• Environmentally and socially responsible.
All of our collected waste is delivered to Capital Compost*.
Products are marketed under the Capital Compost brand and comply with the NZ Standard for composts, soil conditioners and mulches (NZS 4454:2005)
*Capital Compost Wellington is Biogro certified*
Commercial Collection Service only
If you run a restaurant or café, shop
or even a supermarket, then you’ll need to dispose of your Food Waste. Food
Waste collection companies, like Organic Waste Management Ltd, can help you
manage this waste in an ethical and beneficial way. Commercial food waste
collection is a consideration for both large and small businesses, and we have
the right solution for you whatever your size.
Organic Waste Management offers comprehensive food waste
management solutions for all business sizes. From waste audits to determine the
biggest opportunities to improving your organic waste disposal processes, we
are committed to helping our customers improve their sustainability rates
without compromising their business goals.